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dead water 1.死水,靜水。2.船駛過所成的旋渦。3.炮火達不到的水...

dead weight

It was a monstrous big river down there - sometimes a mile and a half wide ; we run nights , and laid up and hid daytimes ; soon as night was most gone we stopped navigating and tied up - nearly always in the dead water under a towhead ; and then cut young cottonwoods and willows , and hid the raft with them 一到下游那邊,只見一條大得嚇人的大河有的地方河面有一英里半開闊。我們在夜晚行駛白天,便躲起來。夜快盡了,我們便停止航行,把筏子靠岸總是靠在一處沙洲水流平靜的地段,然后砍下白楊和柳樹的嫩枝,把木筏子給遮蓋起來。

I paddled over to the illinois shore , and drifted down most a half a mile doing it . i crept up the dead water under the bank , and hadn t no accidents and didn t see nobody 我們劃到了伊利諾斯州岸邊,接著往下淌了半英里,我沿著岸邊靜水往上劃,一路之上,沒有發生什么意外,也沒有見到什么人。

I shot past the head at a ripping rate , the current was so swift , and then i got into the dead water and landed on the side towards the illinois shore 水流很急,我的小舟箭一般劃過島的頂端。接下來劃到了靜水地段,便在面對著伊利諾斯州的一邊上了岸。

But since distilled water has no minerals ( it ' s just dead water ) , you will need to drink some purified water to oxygenate your system 但由于蒸餾水沒有礦物質(那只是死水)你們需要喝純凈水貴氧化劑系統

It became a pool of dead water when all fishes died 所有的魚都死了,池塘成了一潭死水

Round we went with the tide, until we got well under the lee of the point, when suddenly the speed slackened, we ceased to make way, and finally appeared to be in dead water . 我們隨波逐流,四處飄蕩。到了海岬下面的避風處,速度突然減低,船慢慢停了下來。最后就好象走進了一道死水灣似的。

And then i got into the dead water and landed on the side towards the illinois shore . 我跟著就劃到靜水里去,在朝著伊里諾斯州河岸那邊靠了岸。